MIT Computational Biology Group - Scientific Meetings
The MIT CompBio group has helped organize and host several meetings in the areas of Genomics, Computational Biology, Regulatory Genomics, and Systems Biology. In addition, Prof. Kellis has served in the program committee of several meetings in computational biology, and participated as an invited speaker to a number of meetings.
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RECOMBsat2007 -
RECOMBsat2008 -
RECOMBsat2009 -
RECOMBsat2010 -
RECOMBsat2011 -
RECOMBsat2012 -
Program Committee -
Invited Talks
RECOMB Regulatory Genomics 2007
Our group organized and hosted the 4th Annual RECOMB Satellite on Regulatory Genomics, held at MIT, from Thu October 11 to Sat Oct 13, 2007. The meeting consisted of keynote presentations, oral presentations selected from submitted 1-page abstracts, and three poster sessions, also selected from submitted abstracts. The goal of the meeting was to bring together computational and experimental scientists in the area of regulatory genomics, to discuss current research directions, latest findings, and establish new collaborations towards a systems-level understanding of gene regulation.
The meeting was a great success, with 230 participants attending from 10 countries in 4 continents. The scientific program represented some of the most active and successful labs in gene regulation from around the world, and brought together computational and experimental scientists in the area of regulatory genomics. The 9 keynotes, 27 talks and 53 posters presented covered an impressive breadth of subjects in gene regulation, including regulatory network modeling, motif discovery and evolution, RNA-mediated regulation, development and cell state specification, personal genomics, systems biology, and synthetic biology. All attendees received an abstract book with all keynote, oral, and poster abstracts. Cateriing was provided for the entire length of the meeting. The posters were available for viewing for all three days, including during three designated poster sessions.
Keynote Speakers:
For more information:
Conference website,
Joint meeting on Regulatory Genomics, Systems Biology, and DREAM3 in 2008
We also hosted and co-organized a joint meeting combining the 5th
Annual RECOMB Satellite on Regulatory Genomics, the 4th Annual RECOMB
Satellite on Systems Biology, and the 3rd Annual DREAM reverse
engineering challenges, held jointly at MIT on Oct 29-Nov 2, 2008. The
goal of the meeting was to bring together computational and
experimental scientists in the area of regulatory genomics, towards a
systems-level understanding of gene regulation.
The resulting meeting was a resounding success. We received 250+
abstracts (ByDate), 50+ paper
submissions, and 400+ DREAM Challenge predictions, from some of the
best labs in gene regulation and systems biology worldwide. These
resulted in a scientific program of outmost quality, with 93 oral
presentations, 160 posters, and 24 accepted papers in the three
partner journals, Genome Research, Nature/EMBO Molecular Systems
Biology, and the Journal of Computational Biology.
The conference was also very highly attended. We had a record 500+
participants for the joint conference, of which 412 attended at least
two meetings, and 288 attended all three
(ByMeeting). This included a
roughly equal proportion of students, faculty, and postdocs (171, 134,
109), as well as 30 industry participants, and 9 journal editors
(representing Nature, Nature Genetics, Cell, Genome Research,
Molecular Cell, MIT Press, and Nature Chemical
Biology). (ByType)
The conference was truly international, with 103 participants from
24 countries, including 15 from Asia, 17 from Israel, and 59 from
Europe. The broader US was also well represented, with 185
participants flying in from all corners of the US. Local participation
was also high, with 184 attendees from the Larger Boston Area
(including 108 from Cambridge), and an additional 15 commuting from
Providence, New Haven, and New Hampshire. (ByCountry).
Invited speakers
More info:
Conference website,
JCB Special Issue,
Spotlight: Videos of all 93 talks
Joint meeting on Regulatory Genomics, Systems Biology, and DREAM4 in 2009
This year, we will also host the 6th Annual RECOMB Satellite on Regulatory Genomics, the 5th Annual RECOMB Satellite on Systems Biology, and the 4th Annual DREAM reverse engineering challenges, to be held at MIT on Dec 2-6, 2009. This year, we announced a new and exciting partnership with the Public Library of Science (PLoS) journals PLoS Computational Biology and PLoS ONE to publish full-length papers submitted to the conference. All submitted papers were reviewed by our program committee, in partnership with the journal editors, and all accepted papers will appear in one of the two journals, based on scope and reviewer/editor recommendation.
We have received 50 full-length papers, 245 abstracts, and 324 registrations as of 10/01/09, surpassing last year's records at a similar point. We encourage you to register soon, as the remaining spots will quickly run out.
More info:
Keynote Speakers
All keynote videos publicly available at the NYAS e-briefing site:
Joint meeting on Regulatory Genomics, Systems Biology, and DREAM5 in 2010
The 5th Annual DREAM reverse engineering challenges, the 6th Annual RECOMB Satellite on Systems Biology, and the 7th Annual RECOMB Satellite on Regulatory Genomics will be held jointly at Columbia University on November 16-20, 2010. The meeting will start at 9am on Tuesday November 16, 2010, and run till 5pm on Saturday November 20, 2010 (November 16: DREAM5, November 17-18: Systems Biology, November 19-20: Regulatory Genomics).
The goal of the meeting is to bring together computational and experimental scientists in the area of regulatory genomics and systems biology, to discuss current research directions, latest findings, and establish new collaborations towards a systems-level understanding of gene regulation. The meeting consists of keynote presentations, oral presentations selected from submitted manuscripts and 1-page abstracts, and posters presentations also selected from submitted abstracts. More than 500 participants attended last year's meeting, the vast majority of whom attended all three meetings, and we expect a similar interest this year.
This year, we continue our exciting partnership with the Public Library of Science (PLoS) journals PLoS Computational Biology and PLoS ONE to publish full-length papers submitted to the conference. All submitted papers will be reviewed by our program committee, in partnership with the journal editors, and all accepted papers will appear in one of the two journals, based on scope and reviewer/editor recommendation. We invite you to take advantage of this unique opportunity by submitting a full-length paper by the submission deadline on July 7 via the Easy Chair system.
Agenda -
Invited Speakers -
Program Committee -
Conference Photos
Invited speakers:
Eran Segal - Weizmann Institute of Science
Randall Moon - University of Washington
Peter Sorger - Harvard
Scott Powers - CSHL
Chris Sander - Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Stuart Schreiber - Broad Institute
Marc Vidal - Harvard
Steven Altschuler - UT Southwestern
Charlie Boone - University of Toronto
Harmen Bussemaker - Columbia
John Stamatoyannopoulos - University of Washington
Leonid Kruglyak - Princeton
Mike Snyder - Stanford
Tom Gingeras - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Joint meeting on Regulatory Genomics, Systems Biology, and DREAM6 in 2011
The 6th Annual DREAM on Reverse Engineering Challenges, the 7th Annual RECOMB Satellite on Systems Biology, and the 8th Annual RECOMB Satellite on Regulatory Genomics will be held jointly at the IDIBELL institute (Biopol'H park, L'Hospitalet, Barcelona) on October 14-19, 2011. The meeting will start at 9am on Friday October 14, 2011, and run till 6pm on Wednesday October 19, 2011 (October 14: DREAM; October 16-17: Systems Biology; October 18-19: Regulatory Genomics).
This year there is the addition of a fourth conference: IDIBELL Conference on Cancer Informatics (RICCI), to be held at the same venue on October 15, 2011. The goal of this conference is to discuss the present and future research directions on bioinformatics and systems biology to better understand the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, with implications in prevention, prognosis and treatment.
This year, we announce a new partnership with Genome Research (GR) and the Journal of Computational Biology (JCB) to review full-length papers that will be presented as oral presentations at the conference. Papers to be considered for publication by GR should report significant advances including novel biological insight for a broad genomics readership. These should be submitted directly to the journal website, noting the relationship to the joint meeting on Regulatory Genomics and Systems Biology in the cover letter and including "RGSB2011" as a keyword. Appropriate GR submissions will be reviewed by both conference program committee members and GR referees. Papers to be considered for publication in JCB will be submitted through this website and reviewed by our program committee. All accepted papers will be guaranteed an oral presentation at the conference and those ready for publication will appear online in coordination with the conference. A full-length paper submission deadline was August 1st via either the GR submission site at or this website.
Overall the four conferences have the goal to bring together computational and experimental scientists in the area of regulatory genomics and systems biology, to discuss current research directions, latest findings, and establish new collaborations towards a systems-level understanding of gene regulation, with particular emphasis on cancer. The meeting consists of keynote presentations, oral presentations selected from submitted manuscripts and 1-page abstracts, and posters presentations also selected from submitted abstracts. More than 500 participants attended last year's meeting, the vast majority of whom attended all three meetings, and we expect a similar interest this year.
Keynote speakers
Ewan Birney - European Bioinformatics Institute
Edda Klipp - University of Berlin
Raymond Cho - University of California at San Francisco
Manel Esteller - IDIBELL
Noria Lopez-Bigas - Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Franziska Michor - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Dana Pe'er - Columbia University
Julio Saez-Rodriguez - European Bioinformatics Institute
Gustavo Stolovitzky - IBM
Alfonso Valencia - Spanish National Cancer Research Centre
Scott Armstrong - Harvard
Barry Honig - Columbia University
Manolis Kellis - MIT/Broad
Rune Linding - Center for Biological Sequence Analysis
Sylvia Plevritis - Stanford
Luis Serrano - Center for Genomic Regulation
Dennis Vitkup - Columbia University
Martha L - Bulyk - Harvard Medical School
Andrea Califano - Columbia University
Eileen Furlong - EMBL
Jonathan Pritchard - University of Chicago
Alexander Stark - IMP Vienna
Gary Stormo - Washington University
Regulatory and Systems Genomics with DREAM7 in 2012
Our next meeting will be on Mon-Thu Nov 12-15 in Sofitel San Francisco Bay.
You can find more information at
Confirmed speakers include:
Saurabh Sinha - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Len Pennacchio - DOE Joint Genome Institute
Yoav Gilad - University of Chicago
Howard Chang - Stanford University
Angela DePace - Harvard University
Joe Ecker - Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Job Dekker - University of Massachusetts Medical School
Stephen Friend - Sage Bionetworks
Joseph Nadeau - Institute for Systems Biology
Ernest Fraenkel - MIT
Dean Felsher - Stanford University
Markus Covert - Stanford University
Jonathan Weissman - UCSF
Joe Gray - Oregon Health and Science University
We hope to see you then!
Regulatory and Systems Genomics with DREAM8 in 2013
Our 2013 meeting was held in Toronto.
You can find more information at
Confirmed speakers include:
Trey Ideker - UCSD
Tim Hughes - U Toronto
Systems Biology
Brenda Andrews - U Toronto
Levi A. Garraway - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Broad Institute
Peter Jackson - Stanford University School of Medicine
Galit Lahav - Harvard Medical School
Tony Pawson - Mt. Sinai Hospital
Bernhard Palsson - University of California, San Diego
Olivier Pourquie - IGBMC
Peter Sorger - Harvard Medical School
Regulatory Genomics
Ziv Bar-Joseph - Carnegie Mellon University
Emmanouil (Manolis) Dermitzakis - University of Geneva Medical School
Brenton R. Graveley - University of Connecticut Health Center
Jason D. Lieb - Princeton University
Aviv Regev - Broad Institute
Jussi Taipale - Karolinska Institute
Regulatory and Systems Genomics with DREAM8 in 2014
Our next meeting will be in San Diego on Nov 10-14, 2014
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Program Committee Service
In addition, Manolis Kellis has served as a program commmittee Chair, Co-Chair, or member for several meetings in Genomics and Computational Biology:
- RECOMB 2004 Satellite Meeting on Gene Regulation, Program Committee Member, Dec 2004.
- RECOMB 2006, Program Committee Member.
- ISMB 2007, Program Committee Member, Regulatory Genomics, Aug. 2006
- Nature, Nature Genetics, PLoS Biology, Genome Research, Genome Biology, Referee, May 2004-present
- CSHL, The Biology of Genomes, Program Committee Co-Chair for Computational Genomics, May 2006
- RECOMB 2007, Program Committee Member, Sept. 2006
- ISMB 2006, Program Committee Co-Chair, Comparative Genomics, Nov. 2006
- Genome Research, Member of Editorial Board, Aug. 2007
- CSHL Genome Informatics, Co-Chair for Comparative Genomics, Oct. 2007
- RECOMB Satellite on Regulatory Genomics, Conference Organizer and Chair, Oct. 2007
Invited lectures
In addition, Manolis Kellis has participated as an invited speaker to numerous conferences, meetings, and seminars:
- Jun. 2002, "Yeast Comparative Genomics," Whitehead Institute First Symposium on Genomics, Cambridge, MA.
- Aug. 2002, "Yeast Comparative Genomics," Harvard Institute of Proteomics Joint Colloquium, Cambridge, MA.
- Mar. 2003, "Yeast Comparative Genomics," Harvard Center for Genomics Research, Lectures on Genomics, Cambridge, MA.
- Mar. 2004, "Computational Biology: Challenges and Opportunity," Tufts Medical School Faculty Lectures on Computational Biology, Boston, MA.
- Apr. 2004, "Extracting functional information from genome comparisons," Human Genome Discovery and Gene Functional Analysis meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- May 2004, "Regulatory motif discovery using comparative genomics," Harvard Medical School Conference on Analysis of Genomic Data, Cambridge MA.
- Jun. 2004, "Comparative genomics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae," Gordon Conference Invited Plenary Lecture on Phylogenomics, Plymouth NH.
- Dec. 2004, "Revisiting the yeast genome," From Genome Sequencing to Biological Systems, ORFeome Meeting, Dana Farber.
- May 2005, "Regulatory motif discovery using comparative genomics," First Proteomics Meeting of the Hellenic Proteomics Society, Athens Greece.
- Jun. 2005, "Comparative genomics: Genes, Networks, Evolution," Bertinoro Meeting on Comparative Genomics, Invited Lecture, Italy.
- Jun. 2005, "Computational Comparative Genomics," Advanced Course in Functional Genomics, Invited Keynote Lecture, Sanger Center.
- Jun. 2005, "Comparative genomics: Genes, Networks, Evolution," Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, Invited Lecture, ISCB Student Council.
- Aug. 2005, "Comparative Genomics in Yeast," International Meeting on Yeast Genetics Keynote Lecture, Bratislava, Slovakia.
- Oct. 2005, "Computational Comparative Genomics," Princeton University, Quantitative and Computational Biology series, Lewis-Singler Institute.
- Nov. 2005, "Computational genomics," Tufts University Computer Science colloquium, Invited Lecture, Medford MA.
- Dec. 2005, "Regulatory genomics," RECOMB Satellite meeting on Regulatory Genomics, Invited Lecture, San Diego, CA.
- Mar. 2006, "Regulatory Networks in the fly," Systems Biology: Global Regulation of Gene Expression, Invited Lecture, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
- May 2006, "Fly Comparative Genomics," Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), The Biology of Genomes, Invited Lecture, CSHL, NY.
- Nov. 2006, "Discovering the human gene set using comparative genomics," Sanger Institute, BioSapiens workshop, Invited Lecture, Wellcome Trust.
- Nov. 2006, "Interpreting the human genome," The Institute for Advanced Study, Simons Center for Systems Biology, Invited Lecture, Princeton, NJ.
- Oct. 2006, "Interpreting the human genome," Stanford University, Frontiers in Biology lecture series, Invited Lecture, Palo Alto, CA.
- Nov. 2006, "Interpreting the human genome," Algorithmic Biology, Cal(IT)2, UC San Diego, Invited Keynote Lecture, San Diego, CA.
- Mar. 2007, "Biological signal discovery in 12 Drosophila genomes," Drosophila 2007 meeting, Invited Lecture, Philadelphia, PA.
- Mar. 2007, "Pre- and post-transcriptional regulatory networks in 12 Drosophila genomes," Keystone Meeting on Systems Biology and Regulatory Networks, Steamboat Spring, CO.
- May 2007, "Inferring the cis-regulatory code of Drosophila melanogaster," modENCODE planning meeting, Fox Hollow, Woodbury, NY.
- May 2007, "Comparative Genomics of 12 Drosophila species," CSHL Genome Biology, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
- Jul. 2007, "Phylogenomics in mammalian, fly, and fungal genomes," ISMB 2007 SIG, Invited Lecture, Vienna, Austria.
- Sep. 2007, "Interpreting genomes using comparative genomics," MIT Club of Greece celebrates the TR35, lecture given remotely by video conference from Boston to Athens.
- Sep. 2007, "Computational methods for studying the human genome," CSAIL student workshop invited lecture.
- Oct. 2007, "Systematic discovery of protein-coding genes using evolutionary signatures," BioCuration meeting, Invited Keynote Lecture, San Jose, CA.
- Oct. 2007, "Phylogenomics of mammalian, fly, and fungal gnomes," Harvard OEB, Invited Lecture, Cambridge MA.
- Oct. 2007, "Computational Comparative Genomics," Columbia C2B2, Invited Lecture, New York, NY.
- Oct. 2007, "Systems Biology of gene regulation," Linnaeus Tricentennial Workshop, Uppsala, Sweden.
- Nov. 2007, "Machine learning for Phylogenomics," CSHL Genome Informatics, Invited Lecture, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
- Nov. 2007, "Comparative genomics in flies and mammals," Genome Biology, Broad Institute Retreat, Invited Lecture, Boston MA.
- Dec. 2007, "Algorithms for regulatory network discovery using comparative genomics," RECOMB Satellite on Systems Biology, Invited Keynote Lecture, San Diego, CA.
- Dec. 2007, "Machine Learning and Probabilistic Methods in Computational Genomics," NIPS 2007, MLCB workshop invited lecture, Vancouver, Canada.
- Feb. 2008, "Interpreting the Human genome," IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Cambridge MA.
- Feb. 2008, "Regulatory Genomics of Drosophila and Mammalian Genomes," Stanford University, Carnegie Institution, Palo Alto, CA.
- Feb. 2008, "Comparative genomics in flies and mammals," UC Berkeley, Statistics and Genomics, Berkeley, CA.
- Feb. 2008, "Regulatory Genomics of Drosophila and Mammalian Genomes," Columbia University, Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (C2B2), New York, NY.
- Mar. 2008, "Computational Challenges in Genomics," University of New Mexico Annual Student Workshop Keynote lecture, Albuquerque, NM.
- Mar. 2008, "Regulatory Genomics of Drosophila melanogaster," University of New Mexico Biology Symposium, Albuquerque, NM.
- Mar. 2008, "Genomics and Medicine," Massachusetts General Hospital, Neurosurgery, Invited lecture, Boston, MA.
- Apr. 2008, "Regulatory genomics of 12 Drosophila species," Drosophila 2008, Invited Plenary Lecture, San Diego, CA
- Apr. 2008, "Interpreting the Human Genome," National Technical University of Athens, Annual visit to MIT, Cambridge MA.
- May 2008, "Comparative Genomics of Drosophila and Mammalian Species," CSHL The Biology of Genomes, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
- May 2008, "Regulatory logic in Drosophila development," Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Farms, The Logic of Gene Regulation, Invited Lecture, Ashburn, VA.
- Jun. 2008, "Comparative genomics of 29 mammals," ENCODE/modENCODE meeting ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements, Invited Lecture, Rockville, MD.
- Jun. 2008, "Regulatory circuit inference and dynamics in Drosophila melanogaster," Aegean Conference on Networks, Pathways, and Systems, Invited Lecture, Crete, Greece.
- Jun. 2008, "Regulatory genomics of Drosophila melanogaster," Annual EMBO meeting on Drosophila Development, Invited Speaker, Crete, Greece.
- Jul. 2008, "Interpreting the Human Genome," National Technical University of Athens, Invited Lecture, Athens, Greece.
- Jul. 2008, "Regulatory Genomics of Drosophila and Mammalian species," ISMB 2008, Post-ENCODE workshop, Invited Speaker, Toronto, Canada.
- Jul. 2008, "Computational Challenges in Genomics," National Science Foundation (NSF) Emerging Models and Technologies (EMT) workshop, Invited Speaker, Princeton NJ.
- Oct. 2008, "Mathematical Challenges in Computational Biology," MIT Undergraduate Math Association, Cambridge MA.
- Dec. 2008, "Computational Interpretation of the Human genome," Innovations 2009 Invited Keynote Speaker, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
- Dec. 2008, "Regulatory Genomics of Drosophila melanogaster," Genome Institute of Singapore Invited Lecture, Singapore, Singapore.
- Jan. 2009, "Computational Genomics of mammalian species," Indian Institute of Technolgoy (IIT) Kanpur Invited Lecture, Kanpur, India.
- Feb. 2009, "Computational Genomics and Epigenomics in Drosophila and Human," Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, Berkeley, CA.
- Feb. 2009, "Bayesian Gene-tree Reconstruction and Learning in Phylogenomics," Stochastic Models of Sequence Evolution, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Columbus, OH.
- Mar. 2009, "Computational Genomics and Epigenomics of the Human Genome," University of Chicago, Invited Lecture, Chicago, IL.
- Mar. 2009, "Integrative Analysis of Drosophila epigenomic and genomic functional datasets," modENCODE workshop invited lecture, Drosophila 2009, Chicago, IL.
- Mar. 2009, "Challenges in Comparative Genomics," Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology Invited Lecture, University of California in San Diego, La Jolla, CA.
- Mar. 2009, "Computational Epigenomics in Drosophila and Human," Center for Molecular Genetics, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA.
- Mar. 2009, "Foundations and Frontiers in Computational Biology," RECOMB Satellite on BioInformatics Education Invited Keynote Lecture, La Jolla, CA.
- Mar. 2009, "Integrative analysis of chromatin, expression, and motif datasets," ENCODE/modENCODE meeting invited lecture, Bethesda, DC.
- Apr. 2009, "Computational methods for interpreting the human genome," National Technological University of Athens, student visit, Invited lecture, Cambridge, MA.
- May 2009, "Computational and comparative genomics and epigenomics in the human," HST.500, Guest Lecture, Cambridge, MA.
- Jun. 2009, "Regulatory Genomics and Epigenomics in Drosophila and Human," Boston University Bioinformatics Symposium, Invited speaker, Boston, MA.
- Jun. 2009, "Defining tissue- and stage-specific gene expression," Mathematical Challenges in Developmental Biology conference, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Invited speaker, Columbus, OH.
- Jun. 2009, "Comparative genomics and phylogenomics of fly and fungal species," Microsoft Research, Invited speaker, Cambridge, MA
- Jul. 2009, "Bayesian reconstruction of thousands of gene trees in the phylogenomics setting," Invited speaker, Quest for Orthologs, Hinxton UK.
- Jul. 2009, "Chromatin and evolutionary signatures in mammalian genomes," Jackson Laboratory 50th Annual course on Mammalian Genomics, Invited keynote, Bar Harbor, MN.
- Sep. 2009, "Challenges and opportunities in computational genomics," Dutch Math/CS students visit; CSBi students; EECS undergrad students; Invited lectures, Cambridge MA.
- Sep. 2009, "Integrative analysis of large-scale epigenomics datasets," NIH Roadmap on Epigenomics planning meeting, Houston, TX.
- Sep. 2009, "Inference and dynamics of regulatory networks in Drosophila melanogaster," 7th Annual CIFAR Genetic Networks meeting, Invited speaker, Princeton, NJ.
- Oct. 2009, "Large-scale genomic and epigenomic analyses and human health," Hellenic Biomedical Association First Annual Meeting, Invited speaker, Brookline, MA.
- Oct. 2009, "Computational Regulatory Genomics and Epigenomics in human and fly," CSHL Genome Informatics, Invited speaker, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
- Oct. 2009, "Regulatory Genomics and Epigenomics in the human genome," Keck Institute Annual Research Conference, Invited Keynote, Houston, TX.
- Nov. 2009, "Integrative analysis of genomic and epigenomic datasets," NIH Epigenome Roadmap steering committee meeting, Invited Speaker, Washington, DC.
- Jan. 2010, "Computational comparative genomics and epigenomics for interpreting the human genome," EECS and Human Health seminar invited speaker, MIT, Cambridge MA.
- Jan. 2010, "Efficient learning of chromatin mark combinations in many cell types across the whole genome," Joint Genome Institute workshop, invited speaker, Walnut Creet, CA
- Feb. 2010, "Interpreting the human genome using genomic, epigenomic, and evolutionary signatures," U. of Washington Genome Sciences Seminars, invited speaker, Seattle, WA.
- Feb. 2010, "Regulatory genomics and epigenomics in fly and human," UCSD Frontiers in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Colloquium, Invited Speaker, San Diego, CA.
- Feb. 2010, "Regulatory genomics and epigenomics in fly and human," Stanford Bio-X program, invited seminar speaker, Palo Alto, CA.
- Feb. 2010, "Interpreting the human genome using genomic, epigenomic and evolutionary signatures," Center for Biomolecular Science & Engineering, UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA.
- Feb. 2010, "Integrative analysis of Drosophila functional genomics datasets," Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Stowers Lecture Series invited speaker, Kansas City, MO.
- Feb. 2010, "Interpreting the human genome using genomic, epigenomic, and evolutionary signatures," Washington University, Saint Louis, MI.
- Mar. 2010, "Robust metrics for assessing reproducibility, resolution, and coverage in fly and worm modENCODE", mod/ENCODE planning meeting, Washington, DC.
- Mar. 2010, "Integrative analysis of Drosophila modENCODE datasets", mod/ENCODE planning meeting, Washington, DC.
- Mar. 2010, "Comparative analysis of 29 mammals for systematic annotation of the human genome", mod/ENCODE planning meeting, Washington, DC.
- Mar. 2010, "Interpreting the human genome using comparative, chromatin, and sequence signatures," Biomedical sciences symposium, Athens Academy, Athens, Greece.
- Mar. 2010, "Challenges and opportunities in computational biology and human genomics," National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) student visit, Cambridge, MA.
- Mar. 2010, "Regulatory Genomics and Epigenomics in fly and human," CSHL Systems Biology: Global Regulation of Gene Expression, Invited Speaker, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
- Apr. 2010, "Phylogenomics and Epigenomics of human and fly," New England Biostatistics Symposium invited speaker, Cambridge MA.
- Apr. 2010, "Integrative analysis of genomic and epigenomic datasets in the fly," Annual Drosophila Conference, modENCODE workshop, invited speaker, Cambridge MA.
- Apr. 2010, "Interpreting the human genome using evolutionary and chromatin signatures," NHGRI planning meeting on informatics and analysis, invited speaker, Washington, DC.
- May 2010, "Comparative genomics and epigenomics in the human genome," Evolutionary biology seminar series, invited speaker, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
- May 2010, "Integrative analysis of epigenomics datasets across multiple human cell types," NIH Roadmap on Epigenomics steering committee meeting, San Diego, CA.
- May 2010, "Bayesian gene tree reconstruction and reconciliation," Bertinoro Computational Biology 2010, invited speaker, Bertinoro, Italy.
- Jun. 2010, "Computational Regulatory Genomics and Epigenomics in human and fly,"
- Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Invited Lecture, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Weizmann Institute, Invited Lecture, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Safra Bioinformatics Program Distinguished Lecture, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
- Jul. 2010, "Dynamics of chromatin states in multiple human cell lines," ISMB Epigenomics Special Session, Boston MA.
- Jul. 2010, "Regulatory genomics and epigenomics in fly and human," ISMB Regulatory Genomics Special Interest Group, invited keynote speaker, Boston MA.
- Jul. 2010, "Integrative analysis of the Drosophila modENCODE (model organism ENCyclopedia of DNA Elements) project," EMBO meeting on the molecular and developmental biology of Drosophila, invitation only meeting, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece.
- Jul. 2010, "Epigenomics and disease: New tools for interpreting molecular phenotypes," Scholars in Clinical Science, Harvard Medical School, invited lecture, Brookline, MA.
- Sep. 2010, "Transcriptional regulatory networks in Drosophila modENCODE," EMBO meeting invited speaker, Barcelona, Spain.
- Sep. 2010, "Evolutionary, Chromatin, and Activity Signatures for Interpreting the Human Genome," Keynote speaker, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics PhD Network, Bern, Switzerland.
- Sep. 2010, "Inferring regulatory codes from large-scale data integration in human and fly," US National Academy of Science / Chinese Academy of Science 'Frontiers of Science' meeting, invited speaker, Irvine, CA.
- Oct. 2010, "Interpreting the non-coding human genome using chromatin and regulator dynamics in multiple cell types," IEEE Computer and Engineering in Medicine and Biology Societies, MIT biological engineering and biomedical engineering student group (BE-BMES), and GBC/ACM, Cambridge, MA.
- Oct. 2010, "Regulatory network inference in human and fly using chromatin states and activity profiles," Systems Biology: Molecular Networks, invited speaker, IRCM, Montreal, Canada.
- Oct. 2010, "Disease epigenomics: Interpreting disease-associated non-coding variants", Medical Genome Sequencing: Understanding the Genomes of Disease, invited speaker, CRG Barcelona, Spain.
- Apr. 2011, "High-throughput determination of gene regulatory relationships and gene function prediction," Cold Spring Harbor Lab Asia, High-Throughput Biology Meeting, Invited speaker, Suzhou, China.
- First annual McGill workshop on population epigenomics, Invited Speaker, 1/30/2015, Holetown, Barbados (#423)
- CSHL systems biology, Invited Speaker, 2/8/2015, Rio Mar, Puerto, Rico (#425)
- American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Invited Speaker, 2/19/2015, San Francisco, CA (#426)
- MIT Leonardo Da Vinci Dinners, Invited Speaker, 2/25/2015, Cambridge, MA (#428)
- Keystone NeuroEpigenomics, Invited Speaker, 3/3/2015, Santa Fe, NM (#430)
- Advances in Genome Biology and Technology, Invited Speaker, 3/2/2015, Marco Island, FL (#431)
- BroadInstitute Cell Circuits and Epigenomics, Invited Speaker, 3/3/2015, Cambridge, MA (#432)
- National Cancer Institute Webinar, Invited Speaker, 3/15/2015, Cambridge, MA (#432)
- Institute Pasteur, Invited Speaker, 3/30/2015, Athens, Greece (#433)
- Keystone Epigenomics, Invited Speaker, 3/31/2015, Keystone, CO (#435)
- Keystone Epigenomics, Invited Speaker, 4/2/2015, Keystone, CO (#436)
- Keystone Epigenomics, Invited Speaker, 5/13/2015, Keystone, CO (#437)
- CSAIL Campus Preview Weeekend, Invited Speaker, 4/23/2015, Cambridge, MA (#438)
- University of California San Diego, Invited Speaker, 5/5/2015, San Diego, CA (#439)
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Biology of Genomes, Invited Speaker, 5/13/2015, Cold Spring Harbor, NY (#445)
- Virtual Conference on Genetics and Genomics, Invited Speaker, 5/14/2015, Cambridge, MA (#446)
- Genetic Epidemiology, Invited Speaker, 5/22/2015, London, UK (#447)
- Advanced Genomics Workshop, Invited Speaker, 6/23/2015, Tokyo, Japan (#448)
- MGH primer ComplexTraits, Invited Speaker, 6/1/2015, Cambridge, MA (#449)
- Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) consortium, Invited Speaker, 6/3/2015, Cambridge, MA (#450)
- Genotype Tissue Expression (GTEx) Networks and Functional Genomics, Invited Speaker, 7/13/2015, Cambridge, MA (#452)
- Festival Of Genomics, Invited Speaker, 6/30/2015, Boston, MA (#453)
- Annual CSAIL retreat, Invited Speaker, 7/22/2015, Chatham, MA (#454)
- EpiCongress, Invited Speaker, 8/10/2015, Boston, MA (#455)
- Carlos Slim Foundation Visiting Committee, Invited Speaker, 8/11/2015, Cambridge, MA (#456)
- BIRS/Banff bi-annual workshop on personal and statistical genomics, Invited Speaker, 8/3/2015, Banff, Canada (#457)
- Institut Curie, Invited Speaker, 9/11/2015, Paris, France (#458)
- Massachusetts General Hopsital, Invited Speaker, 9/11/2015, Boston, MA (#459)
- Penn State Hershey Medical School, Invited Speaker, 10/1/2015, Hershey, PA (#460)
- MIT ILP Digital Health Conference, Invited Speaker, 9/17/2015, Cambridge, MA (#461)
- Royalty Pharma annual planning meeting, Invited Speaker, 9/18/2015, Cambridge, MA (#462)
- Mayo Clinic Epigenomics, Invited Speaker, 9/23/2015, Rochester, MN (#463)
- Mayo Clinic Neuro Epigenetics, Invited Speaker, 9/24/2015, Rochester, MN (#464)
- CSBi Student introductory seminar, Invited Speaker, 10/2/2015, Cambridge, MA (#465)
- ACM IEEE computer society joint lecture, Invited Speaker, 10/9/2015, Cambridge, MA (#466)
- American Society of Human Genetics, Invited Speaker, 10/10/2015, Baltimore, MD (#467)
- American Society of Human Genetics, Invited Speaker, 10/13/2015, Baltimore, MD (#468)
- Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project (ADSP) analysis working group, Invited Speaker, 10/13/2015, Cambridge, MA (#469)
- ADSP Kellis, Invited Speaker, 10/23/2015, Cambridge, MA (#469)
- CSAIL Parents Weekend, Invited Speaker, 10/30/2015, Cambridge, MA (#470)
- Pfizer, Invited Speaker, 11/5/2015, Cambridge, MA (#471)
- Festival of Genomics, Invited Speaker, 11/6/2015, San Mateo, CA (#472)
- Stanford Genomics, Invited Speaker, 11/6/2015, Palo Alto, CA (#473)
- 23andMe, Invited Speaker, 11/6/2015, Mountain View, CA (#474)
- Medical and Population Genomics (MPG) primer, Invited Speaker, 11/12/2015, Cambridge, MA (#475)
- Genotype Tissue Expression (GTEx) Analysis Meeting, Invited Speaker, 12/9/2015, Washington, DC (#476)
- University of Chicago, 12/7/2015, Invited Speaker, Chicago, IL (#477)
- McGill Population Epigenomics Conference, 1/6/2016, Invited Speaker, Barbados (#478)
- Epigenomics 2016 Conference, 2/2/2016, Invited Speaker, Puerto Rico (#479)
- Harvard Medical School Bioinformatics Colloquium Series, 2/10/2016, Invited Speaker, Boston, MA (#480)
- MIT Undergraduate, 2/21/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#482)
- Personal Genomics Conference, LabRoots, 2/24/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#482)
- CSBi Incoming Students Day, 2/26/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#483)
- University of Massachusetts, 3/8/2016, Invited Speaker, Worcester, MA (#484)
- Sanofi Board Annual Meeting, 3/9/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#485)
- Harvard Catalyst Omics Research Course, 3/10/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#486)
- EECS admits welcome day, 3/11/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#487)
- Big Data on Precision Medicine, 4/5/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#488)
- Jackson Laboratories for Precision Medicine, 4/7/2016, Invited Speaker, Farmington, CT (#489)
- Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Genomics Speaker Series, 4/15/2016, Invited Speaker, Rensselaer, NY (#490)
- Obesity Genetics Donors ILP Presentation, 4/22/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#491)
- University of Michigan Genomics Speaker Series, 5/5/2016, Invited Speaker, Ann Arbor, MI (#492)
- Computational Biology Career advice, 5/9/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#N/A)
- Mayo Clinic Statistical Genetics Group Webinar, 5/18/2016, Invited Speaker, Rochester, MN (#493)
- Center for Genome Regulation Genomics Speaker Series, 5/20/2016, Invited Speaker, Barcelona, Spain (#494)
- European Society for Human Genetics, 5/22/2016, Invited Speaker, Barcelona, Spain (#495)
- EBI Industry Panel, 5/26/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#496)
- Big Data Bioinformatics, GTC Bio, 5/27/2016, Invited Speaker, Boston, MA (#497)
- Brigham and Women's Hospital, Cardiovascular Diabetes and Metabolic Disorder, 6/13/2016, Invited Speaker, Boston, MA (#498)
- MIT Enterprise Forum European Enterpreneurs Visit Day, 6/13/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#499)
- Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research, 6/21/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#501)
- Genotype Tissue Expression Meeting, 7/12/2016, Invited Speaker, Washington, DC (#502)
- Berzelius Personalized Medicine Conference, 9/5/2016, Invited Speaker, Bastad, Sweden (#505)
- Broad Institute Tackling Disease Symposium, 9/7/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#506)
- MGH Complex Traits Primer, 9/13/2016, Invited Speaker, Boston, MA (#507)
- American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting, 9/15/2016, Invited Speaker, Atlanta, GA (#508)
- Million Veterans Personalized Medicine Program, 9/20/2016, Invited Speaker, Washington, DC (#512)
- EpiOmics Annual Meeting, 9/26/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#513)
- Royalty Pharma 20th Anniversary Symposium, 9/28/2016, Invited Speaker, New York, NY (#514)
- Next Generation Sequencing and Single Cell Analysis, 10/6/2016, Invited Speaker, Boston, MA (#515)
- Takeda Genomics Seminar Series, 10/13/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#516)
- Safeguarding the Bioeconomy Meeting, 10/20/2016, Invited Speaker, San Francisco, CA (#518)
- Merck Target Validation Industry Meeting, 10/24/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#519)
- SinaInnovations Annual Meeting, 10/25/2016, Keynote Speaker, New York, NY (#520)
- MIT Parents Weekend at CSAIL, 10/28/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#522)
- Chron's and Colitis Foundation Annual Meeting, 11/2/2016, Invited Speaker, New York, NY (#523)
- Broad Institute Daiichi Sankyo Visit Day, 11/3/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#525)
- CSAIL faculty talk series, 11/17/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#526)
- MIT Inustrial Liaison Program Novartis Visit Day, 11/29/2016, Invited Speaker, Cambridge, MA (#527)
- Enhancing GTEx Annual Meeting, 12/8/2016, Invited Speaker, Washington, DC (#528)